A bunkhouse or adventure accommodation is a makeshift guesthouse for temporary visitors. To add a bunkhouse to your home would be to repurpose or create an external structure, like a shed or a cabin, in your yard to function as temporary accommodation.
Bunkhouses are trending. At Modern Interiors, we have a diverse skill set, so we can remodel an existing space or construct one from scratch. To see our work and our workmanship, go to our gallery.
The upside of undertaking this particular construction project is that all the work will happen outside your home. But what is the purpose of a bunkhouse?
If your kids love sleepovers and you hate being kept up all night, send them out—out, and into the bunkhouse, that is. They’ll be able to have fun but still be confined to the safety of your backyard.
If you have kids, be sure to mention it to your house contractor, and they may actually be able to make adjustments here and there to make the whole thing more child-friendly.
Since it won’t be occupied 24/7, it makes sense that potential occupants won’t come with a whole lot of luggage that would need storing. So any storage space remaining after the furniture is put in would be yours. Ask your contractor for extra cupboards.
We all need to get away sometimes. Even at home. But leaving isn’t always an option. By building a little hideout in your backyard, like a tree house for adults, you’ll always have access to a private room. The best part is that there’s no need to change out of your fuzzy slippers.
Unexpected Guests
If you’ve ever had guests show up out of nowhere and had to frantically dig out sheets and pillows to make up a bed on the couch, say no more. Our team of home builders can give you a hotel room that’s ever-ready for impromptu family members and friends who forget that they were meant to drive themselves home.
In the case of a home renovation, planned or unplanned, you won’t be booking a hotel room or living in guestrooms. You’ll step out of your kitchen and into your adventure accommodation. Even if your bunk house isn’t large enough for your whole family, it’ll give you a secure place to lock up valuables and personal possessions.

If you’re interested in converting your tool shed to a bunkhouse or even building one from scratch, Modern Interiors is perfect. With thirty years of experience, a versatile team, and unmatched dedication to quality, our cabin builders can’t be outdone. We have worked on projects as small as window or door replacement and as large as new home construction.
Our hardworking residential home contractors in Rhinelander go out of their way to maintain full transparency at every project stage. We also have the skills and practice to perform bathroom remodeling and kitchen renovations. If you’re interested in availing our expert services, give us a call at 715 490 1422.